1. Look for your favorite words in the Word List in the Diagram of let- ters. Find them by reading FORWARD, BACKWARD, UP, DOWN, and DIAGONALLY. The words are always in a straight line and they never skip letters.
2. Draw a circle around the word in the Diagram once you've found it and cross it off the Word List. Words overlap and letters are used more than once. However, you will never use up all the letters in the Dia- gram.
1. Beaumont 2. Bikini
3. Blouse
4. Brassier
5. Bust
6. Camisole
7. Chemise
8. Chevalier 9. Corset 10. Cosmetics 11. Culotte
12. Dainty 13. Dame
14. Dress
15. Falsie
16. Female
21. Heels Girl
22. Lace Heels
23. Lace
24. Lady 25. Mascara 26. Nightgown 27. Nylons 28. Pantyhose 29. Petticoat 30. Pink 31. Satins 32. Scarf 33. She
34. Silk
35. Skirt
36. Slip
17. Feminine
18. FPE Foundation
19. Girdle FPE
20. Girl Girdle
37. Transvestite 38. Uplift
39. Wig
40. Woman